Delicious Okinawa tonjiru soup with great amount of tasty ingrediants

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Written by YUKA

If talking about Ganaha in Nago-City, usually people will think of famous Okinawa agu pork which is one of the localy delicacy in Okinawa. This time we would like to introduce you a famous restaurant “Yakiniku no Ganaha” where is the direct selling store of Ganaha and located just right beside the natioanl way no.58. It is a popular agu pork restaurant for locals and tourists.

The building sells fresh meat and vegetables in the grand floor, and the entrance of “Yakiniku no Ganaha” is in the second floor by using stairs in the left hand side.

After take off your shoes at the entrance, you may need to place your shoes into the shoebox in the left. Most of table are in Japanese-style with tatami seats, but there are also some private tables which separated by low walls.

It was lunch time when I visited here. There are more than 20 kinds of set meal available and wide range of dishes in the menu such as Agu pork shabu-shabu, beef steak and deep fried pork cutlets, etc. Almost every dish come with picture for reference, and looks absolutely delicious. By the way, you can also have free ice coffee or ice tea if choose set meal.

For customer who wants to eat big amount, we would suggest you to pick “Jumbo deep fried chicken cutlet set meal (ジャンボチキンカツ定食)(700 yen)”, for those who want to have traditional Agu pork, “Agu pork burger steak set meal (アグー豚ハンバーグ定食)(1000yen)”. There are also “Manager daily tonjiru set meal (店長手作り日替わり汁定食)(600yen)” is highly recommended.

They put red meat, Okinawa pork feets, liver and other parts with fresh red carrots and Japanese radish in a big port, plus kelp and miso for based in order to create a lighly and full of nourishment taste. They make sure the soup cook daily in order to taste fresh and delicious every day. Although it is a soup dish, but plentiful ingredients will definitely make you full and only cost 600 yen.

Japanese tonjiru basically is pork soup cook with vegetables and miso flavoured. It usually add sliced pork with many vegetables. However, they put extra pork and kelp in Okinawa have turned the soup become more flavoured. In Okinawa usually describe as “ajikuta” stands for rich in flavor.

When I was beening impressed by the taste of tonjiru, my set lunch “pork set meal (豚焼肉定食)(750 yen)” also reach to the table. It also come with tonjiru soup! The pork was also delicious and unforgettable.

【焼肉乃我那覇(本店)】Yakiniku no Ganaha

Address:1401-1 Miyazato, Nago City, Okinawa
Lunch(set meal) 11:00〜15:00
Dinner 15:00〜24:00(L.O.22:30)



Birth place: Osaka Prefecture