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Narita International Airport

The known and loved NRT! The city’s sky gateway for flights from around the world.

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The international airport and gateway to Tokyo, visited by 44 million travelers each year (as of 2019). Opened in 1978, this world-famous airport (airport code NRT) has ferried over 6 million flights both in and out of Japan. The airport grounds include 3 different passenger terminals, a freight terminal and is currently planning to open a new runaway in addition to its two runways currently open.

Even if you’re not getting on a plane yourself, there are plenty of spots to enjoy within the airport. In addition to high-end shopping at well-known brand shops, there’s a colorful array for foodies to love including ramen, Japanese and western fare.

One spot especially popular with the kids is the observation deck. With an impressive view overlooking the planes in all their glory, you won’t be able to help snapping a picture. The deck is fully equipped with a safety fence with big enough camera-holes to help you get your un-blocked shot! There’s a Mini Gallery of Japanese Art, with images across the ceiling and walls provided by the Tokyo National Museum, as well as sculptures and stained-glass art pieces throughout.


  • Opened in 1978, this airport sees about 44 million travelers each year.
  • Home to high-end brand stores for all your shopping needs.
  • Feast your eyes as planes come and go from the free viewing deck!


  • Supersized electric bulletin board

    Supersized electric bulletin board

  • Passenger terminal

    Passenger terminal

  • Travellers from all across the world

    Travellers from all across the world

  • Airport is easily accessible by train

    Airport is easily accessible by train

  • The wide open observation deck

    The wide open observation deck

  • Mini Gallery of Japanese Art

    Mini Gallery of Japanese Art


  • Top Reviewer

    因為2022.10.12 剛從成田第二航站返台,跟大家報告一下機場現況,入境免簽解封初期的成田機場三樓出境大廳還是空曠寂靜的,而四樓的商店街也將近一半餐廳商店並未開業,根據我們與營業中的店員請教,得知關閉中的店家11月起陸續會招募人力訓練,11月起會有些回復營業,相信未來大家前往成田會有更熱鬧的光景。

    此外,成田機場往返東京的交通也有增加廉價巴士LCB(Lower cost bus), 於2022年8月起啟用,來往東京市中心地帶,包括川口、豐洲市場、池袋、澀谷及銀座,單趟費用不到2000日幣,很值得排入未來旅行的交通選擇喔。

  • Andy Huang

    成田機場好方便喔在第一航廈的2樓有淋浴間跟小睡室⋯ 淋浴室以半小時計費,還有免費提供洗髮精、潤絲精、沐浴乳、浴巾、吹風機這些哦等設備⋯真的很推哦

  • 夏婉欣


  • Julie Mei

    成田機場,因應邊境措施放寬,為了減少民眾檢疫及入境審查的手續時間,日本政府推出了可以事先線上進行檢疫、入國審查、海關申報等入境手續的網頁「Visit Japan Web」哦其實很多👏

  • AW-TWBoy1999



Name in Japanese
Postal Code
1-1 Furugome, Narita City, Chiba
0476-34-8000 (Narita International Airport Information Line)
Depend on facilities
Open 24 Hours (Narita International Airport Information Desk)
Observation/Viewing Deck is free to visit
Terminal 1: approx. 1 min. walk from the Narita Airport stop on the JR and Keisei Lines. Terminal 2: approx. 1 min. walk from the Narita Airport Terminal 2/3 stop on the JR and Keisei Lines.
Terminal 3: approx. 15 min. walk from the Narita Airport Terminal 2/3 stop on the JR and Keisei Lines.
Credit Cards
Accepted * Depend on facilities
Official Website
Official Website (English)