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Mt. Fuji

World Heritage Site and Japan’s tallest mountain at 3,776 meters tall.

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At a staggering 3,776 meters tall, Mt. Fuji is Japan’s tallest mountain and the pride of its two homes, Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures. This famous peak is an iconic symbol of Japan.
In 2013, Mt. Fuji was registered as a World Heritage Cultural Site, as it’s recognized as a sacred place and source of artistic inspiration. The entire scope of the designation covers 25 different sites including the mountain pass, surrounding shrines, lava tree molds as well as its lakes and marshes.

In the past, it was long believed that Mt. Fuji’s constant volcanic activity was an act of god. Many revered it, while mountain ascetics would climb its peak to worship and hopefully appease the mountain before it erupted again. Today, the mountain is a place that anyone can climb.
Mt. Fuji is known for its iconic cone shape, making it the subject of many artistic works and literary pieces. The historic wood block prints of the mountain also caused many influences and inspiration among artists in Europe.

Mt. Fuji was formed at its beautiful height and shape by multiple volcanic eruptions. The last eruption was about 300 year ago. Today, you can find many sengen shrines and sacred sites dotting the way from the mountain foothills to its peak, in an act to keep it from erupting again.

Mt. Fuji has 4 different climbing routes, which are available to use in the months between July to early September. Outside of these months the climbing routes are closed as the mountain is blanketed in snow and considered too dangerous to climb. Even in midsummer, the mountain peak is only about 5° C (sometimes below freezing), so winter gear is a must.


  • Japan’s tallest mountain.
  • It’s registered as a World Heritage Cultural Site because it serves as a “sacred place and source of artistic inspiration”.
  • Climbing routes are open from July to early September. There are 4 different routes across Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures.
  • Prepare the physical strength and equipment necessary for climbing.
  • Climbing without a proper plan or light equipment for a day trip is extremely dangerous, so be sure to prepare in advance, such as planning your climb.


  • View of Mt. Fuji from Lake Kawaguchiko

    View of Mt. Fuji from Lake Kawaguchiko

  • Tour around the top of Mt. Fuji’s summit

    Tour around the top of Mt. Fuji’s summit

  • A view of emerging light from Mt. Fuji’s summit

    A view of emerging light from Mt. Fuji’s summit

  • View of Mt .Fuji from Arakurayama Sengen Park

    View of Mt .Fuji from Arakurayama Sengen Park

  • Mt. Fuji and Tea Fields in Shizuoka Prefecture.

    Mt. Fuji and Tea Fields in Shizuoka Prefecture.

  • Mt. Fuji and Lake Yamanaka at Winter

    Mt. Fuji and Lake Yamanaka at Winter

Official FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions have been vetted and answered directly by each listing.


Is there a pamphlet/signage in foreign languages? (If so, please let me know the languages available)


Above the 5th station, there are sign guidelines, which are written in Japanese, English, Korean, and Chinese (simplified). Also, pamphlets are available in multiple languages, depending on the pamphlet.


Is there free Wi-Fi available in the area?


"Fujisan Wifi" is available during the climbing season.


Are there coin lockers available?


Yes, they are available at the 5th Station of the Fuji Subaru Line (Yoshida Route).


Are there toilets available?


There are public toilets at the 5th Station, which is the starting point for each route. Toilets in the mountain huts on the climbing path can also be used, but they operate on a tip system.


Can you buy water and food?


You can buy them at mountain huts along the way. However, since it costs to carry goods up to the huts, prices are typically higher than usual. If you're not used to carrying heavy loads, it's recommended to procure your necessities locally.


Can you stay in a tent?


As Mount Fuji is in a special protected area of a national park, setting up a tent is not allowed.


Can you rent equipment?


Several rental shops rent out gear for climbing Mount Fuji, and some allow you to pick up and return the gear at the 5th station (not all routes). However, advance reservation is required.


What are things you should not do?


Mount Fuji is a national park (special protection area), so the following actions are prohibited:
- Collecting lava rocks, plants, and animals.
- Allowing pets to roam freely.
- Graffiti.
- Lighting fires directly.
- Going off the path.


Can you use drones?


As Mount Fuji is an independent peak with complex air currents, there's a risk of crashes, which could potentially cause serious accidents due to the drone itself or induced falling rocks. Therefore, refrain from using drones. Moreover, the area above the 8th station is owned by the Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine, and the landowner prohibits drone usage.


Can you drive your own car or a rental car to the trailhead?


All routes except for the Gotemba route have car restrictions (regulatory bodies vary by route). Please park your car at the parking lot at the foot of the mountain and switch to a shuttle bus.


  • tim-tian-tian

    日本的寶山!That's so cool!!!!!

  • 林筱莉


  • 歐文


  • Jessica Ny


  • 蓉兒


Learn More


Name in Japanese
Found in both of its proud homes of Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures. (The top is private land, owned by Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha)
Official Website
Official Website (English)