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Onuma Quasi National Park

The only quasi-national park in southern Hokkaido where unique native animals and plants can be seen.

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In July 1958, Onuma Quasi-National Park was designated as the 13th in the nation and the only quasi-national park in southern Hokkaido.

The Park is at the center of Oshima Peninsula, about a 20-min drive from Hokkaido Shinkansen’s Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto Station. It covers a green marshy area with Onuma Lake, Konuma Lake, Junsai Swamp, etc. which were created by Mt. Koma-ga-take’s eruptions. Koma-ga-take is a uniquely-shaped, famous active volcano in southern Hokkaido. The whole park boasts 9083 hectares of the majestic landscape.

Onuma Lake, born from the repeated eruptions, is surrounded by dense forest and you can see animals and plants uniquely Hokkaido’s. Koma-ga-take is reflected on the Lake and the fantastical scenery will allow you to feel the power of nature.

In recent years, Hokkaido Shinkansen was opened through Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto Station. Better access has brought attention to this tourist spot.


  • The only quasi-national park in southern Hokkaido.
  • Known for the gorgeous fall foliage against Koma-ga-take.
  • Activities such as canoeing are plentiful.
  • Hokkaido Shinkansen takes you close to the area.


  • Onuma Quasi National Park

    Onuma Quasi National Park

  • The area includes big and small lakes created by eruptions

    The area includes big and small lakes created by eruptions

  • Eruptions blew out the tip of the volcano, leaving Koma-ga-take in a unique shape

    Eruptions blew out the tip of the volcano, leaving Koma-ga-take in a unique shape

  • Fall paints a breath-taking view

    Fall paints a breath-taking view

  • In winter, swans fly over

    In winter, swans fly over

  • Koma-ga-take in winter

    Koma-ga-take in winter


  • Top Reviewer

    劉沁崴 MARTH Top Reviewer

    Tour Guide

    有時候就該一家人出門走走 , 這裡一直是被我認為在大沼公園裡最漂亮的風景沒有之一 , 遠眺駒岳欣賞著湖光山色藍天白雲的景色.

    很羨慕日本在觀光景點地區的商家限制 , 讓在地商家不至於凌亂的不堪入目 , 畢竟在特殊景點地區一直都只有一下船家(而且也不會亂哄抬價格)
    這裡可以釣魚~遊船~騎腳踏車也有一些小餐廳 , 相當適合午餐過後來這邊旅遊 .

  • 林月1030


  • Carolyn


  • 可 可


  • June Lee



Name in Japanese
Postal Code
1023-1 Onumacho, Nanaecho, Kamedagun, Hokkaido
From Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto Station, drive 10km for about 15min.
Official Website
Official Website (Japanese)